Prototyping, User Research, UX+UI Product Design
How I market researched, designed and built the first onlinegame esports platform
and e-commerce system.
Esports Platform
MyH1z1 Platform
This was an epsorts platform where any game could be integrated and the platform would display players generated data in an intelligent easy to understand way to the end that players are motivated to play more. This was to be via API integrations with different games.
- Developed a product strategy and roadmap, from findings on the MVP, customer interviews, trends etc.
- Initiated a design thinking discovery process, to understand the potential users personas, mental models, establishing goal states and red routes using card sorting, mood-boards, interviews and field research.
- Built the initial lean MVP to market validate the idea and discover desirability.
- Researched and established the different frameworks (eg The Hook Framework) that would achieve the customer desirability on the product.
- Deliverables: Sketches, Wireframes, UI, Interaction design, User testing
- At live MVP launch reached a 5 star rating from gamers.
- I handled AB testing, Heat-map analysis, user journey, click journey and rage click analysis to further increase the usability of the live MPV site whilst building the subsequent versions of the platform.
- Built and used MyH1z1 design systems, using invision DSM.
The Challenge
To create a fun and engaging product that would disrupt and innovate how game data is used and consumed in the industry. The platform would have a highly interactive social function, allowing habit forming loops common in other social apps. It would include hosted game system were players would be able create and host their own games on the server at will and host their own tournaments.
Flow diagram
High Fidelity Design
Tournaments Platform
Wires, Protos and UI
Game Ecommerce
Battlepass for PC & PlayStation
Live battlepass
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